
Answering three pivotal questions that you’re too polite to ask

"Do you know what you're doing?"

I get it. No startup can afford to trust their case studies (and customer relationships) to an amateur.

So here’s the quick summary of how I’ve earned my expertise:

  • 13 years marketing B2B brands across agency, in-house, and consulting roles
  • 7 years leading content teams inside NYC SaaS startups
  • Dozens of customers interviewed
  • Hundreds of assets created

But I won’t lie — it hasn’t been all highlights. I’ve also seen or made every imaginable mistake along the way.

And those hard lessons are what ultimately forced me to design the systems and refine the skills my clients profit from today.

Key Career Stops

"Is there any real evidence?"

Of course. I won’t post my full portfolio here, but I will share a few contrasting examples…

(Link to PDF)

Product Category
Legal operations software

Customer Segment
Corporate legal departments

Unique Trait
Earned industry award for the customer and Business Insider coverage for the brand

(Link to Blog)

Product Category
Call center software

Customer Segment
Retail support teams

Unique Trait
Case study was produced alongside video combining interviews and product demos

(Link to PDF)

Product Category
Website translation software

Customer Segment
Brand localization managers

Unique Trait
Includes a hard financial metric AND supporting quote from C-suite member

(Link to PDF)

Product Category
Legal operations software

Customer Segment
Corporate legal departments

Unique Trait
Secured case study early in customer lifecycle by centering the story on implementation

(Link to Blog)

Product Category
 Call center software

Customer Segment
Logistics support teams

Unique Trait
Contains candid and relatable quotes from customer describing their former struggles

(Link to PDF)

Product Category
Website translation software

Customer Segment
Brand localization managers

Unique Trait
Engages both highly technical and strictly commercial buyer personas

"Will I enjoy working with you?"

Probably best if I defer this one to a few folks who already have…

"Greg has a natural ability to turn complex (and potentially boring) topics into something fun, succinct, and original. I’m completely delighted by whatever he writes."
“Greg isn’t just blurting out ideas hoping one sticks. He thinks deeply and thinks ahead about his contribution to each conversation or project — all without sacrificing velocity."
"Greg's thoughtful, witty, and an all-around great person to work with. As a writer, he really takes the time to find the heart of the subject and produces great content because of it.״
"Greg masterfully combines persona-driven messaging with strategic outcomes, infusing his content with empathy for the customer (and often the right touch of humor)."
"Greg listens closely and doesn't hit publish without considering his words. Every syllable counts. He says twice what others do in half the space and, incidentally, his writing is much easier to read."
“What I value most about Greg is his consistency. Even in stressful situations, you can safely turn your attention to other areas and trust that he’ll deliver a solution that resonates.״

Serious about solving case studies?